Purpose of this blog

 I have always been interested in books, films and television, and spend many an hour immersed in any one of them, particularly in the depths of winter.

I love nothing better than a good thriller, drama series or a science fiction film, but although I do buy a good tv magazine, I don't always find it easy to choose something to watch or read.... 

So I decided that I would try and write a blog, especially in light of all the lockdowns and restrictions we have been experiencing, in the past two years, that would cover my passion for these three forms of media, and give yourselves an idea of what is out there.

My aim is to take you through all of the options that there are on platforms such as Netflix, Prime, Britbox and good old Freeview, highlighting upcoming releases of old /new films, and  tv series, things that maybe you never thought would be your cup of tea.

So whether you are like me, and you have favourite genres, or whether you would like to try and explore a new one, why not follow my blog and see where this media journey takes you.
